
Powered by OpenAI

Quanta Next-Gen AI-tool for daily use and productivity.

Supercharge your productivity with Quanta - the solution for every kind of AI assist. Unlock the full potential of Quanta.



Chat with Quanta and get answers to your questions.

Code Generator

Boost your productivity with Quanta`s code generator.

Image Generator

Generate images with Quanta`s image generator.

Icon Generator

Generate icons with Quanta`s icon generator.


Translate any language known by world.

Generate Random Joke

Generate random jokes with Quanta`s joke generator.


Quanta is a next-gen AI-tool for daily use and productivity. Quanta is powered by OpenAI and is a solution for every kind of AI assist. Unlock the full potential of Quanta.

Quanta is programmed in TypeScript and uses Next.js as a framework. The frontend is built with TailwindCSS, with Drizzle and Planetscale, Clerk is used for authentication and Vercel for hosting.

This project is learning project and is not intended for commercial use, if there are any questions or problems, feel free to contact me, Iam open for any kind of feedback.